
Showing posts from March, 2022

Complexity Reality and Scientific Realism

In this essay we take a close look at how the pervasive complexity of nature shapes our conception of reality and our scientific theories. In particular, we examine how scientific realism can be consistent with incommensurability of successively emerging theories and how the expectation of an all-embracing 'ultimate' theory of nature need not be a necessary ingredient of scientific realism. Click to read

Read my Bengali article on the pervasive role of Inductive Inference in the sciences

Science is commonly assumed to be the last word in logic and objectivity. In reality, there is a pervasive role of Inductive Inference in the construction of scientific theories, where cognitive factors entrenched in the human psyche assume relevance.  These include a wide spectrum of beliefs that the human mind makes use of in navigating through an unknown and uncertain world. At the end of the day, the sciences emerge  as an interpretation of reality......   Click to read

Dynamical chaos and Classical Statistical Mechanics: An Overview

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Read my Bengali article on quantum theory and the classical point of view: the problem of compatibility

Despite the remarkable success of quantum theory that erected a new edifice emerging from classical physics, there has been no corresponding restructuring of the point of view constituting classical philosophy. However, the classical view of reality is incompatible with quantum theory and its strange findings --- ones that call for a more nuanced and complex view of what we call reality. The so-called Copenhagen interpretation seems to have failed on this count. Click here to read